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Ways to Cast a Circle

Example 01:
First, ground and center yourself. Stand with both feet firmly on the ground, and relax your arms at the sides of your body. Simply feel and visualize the energy of the Earth below you, and the Sky above you. Face one of the directions, and physically reach down with your arm and gather the energy of the Earth into your hand. Reach up to the Sky and gather the energy of the Sky into your other hand. Now scoot down near the ground and face your palms outward, sending that energy into a smooth wall of colour that will spread itself into the shape of a circle. Rise up as you do this, shaping and smoothing the wall at this corner. Repeat this at the other three directions, constantly smoothing and shaping it with your hands. At each direction, the circle gets stronger and thicker; there are no gaps because the energy of the circle constantly swirls around evenly. See the energy as a thick, fluid stream of colour. It also flows under the ground, to even itself out as a complete sphere. You can shape it underground by visualizing it through the floor. Solidify it by visualizing the energy of the circle as sticking together, like hot glue or warm honey. When you feel the circle is 'set', all you have to do now is keep it in mind, and perhaps make minor re-adjustments if you feel it is necessary. Take as much time as you need, and don't rush. No-one's holding a stopwatch. Don't be afraid to move around spontaneously; no-one's marking you on grace or coolness. And most importantly, don't be afraid to screw up; that's an important way to learn.
Authors Details: Casting A Circle - Keitha (FireWind)

Example 02:
Needed: Athame, Water in dish, Salt, Chalice, Censure, Incense, Matches, Charcoals, Cauldron, Altar Candle, 4 Corner Candles, Bell, Beverage (usually juice or wine), Any other items specific for your work during this rite.
Preparation: Prepare the room you will be using by cleaning it and go around with your censure lit with protection incense.
If you are casting outdoors, you do not need to worry about cleaning.
Place 4 corner candles around the circumference of the circle. One candle to mark the East, one for the South, one for the West, and one for the North.
You may need a compass to orient yourself with North. If not, notice where the sun rises (in the East) or sets in the West) and you can figure out the Quarters from there.
Set up your Altar so that everything you need is within easy reach.
Beginning the Ritual: Sit in front of your Altar facing East. Meditate for a moment to relax and prepare yourself for your ritual. While you are doing this brief meditation, envision yourself surrounded by a protecting ball of light. Build this vision mentally until you feel ready.
Casting the Circle:
Ring the Altar bell three times and stand. Light your Altar candle, and then move to the East with your lit Altar candle.
Say: "Here in the East I bring in Light and Air. This is to illuminate my temple and bring it the breath of life."
Light the East candle from the Altar candle, and move on to the South.
Say: "Here in the South I bring in Light and Fire to illuminate my temple and bring it warmth."
Light the South candle from the Altar candle, and move on to the West.
Say: "Here in the West I bring in Light and Water to illuminate my temple and wash it clean."
Light the West candle from the Altar candle, and move on to the North.
Say: "Here in the North I bring in Light and Earth to illuminate my temple and bring it strength."
Light the North candle from the Altar candle, and return to the Altar.
Replace the Altar candle and pick up your Athame. Move to the East corner. Point your Athame down so that you "see" the edge of the circle off of the point of the tool.
Concentrate all of your energies down through your arm into the tool. Let the energy be released out of the tip and move around the circle deosil "drawing" the circumference or the circle with the energy flowing from the tool.
Go completely around the circle, finishing in the East before returning to the Altar.
Stand again in front of the Altar, hold your Athame in your right hand, and the Altar bell in your left. Ring the bell three times, and replace it on the altar.
Put the tip of your Athame into the dish of salt and say: "As salt is life, let it purify me in all ways that I may use it. Let it cleanse my body and spirit as I use it in this rite dedicated to the Goddess."
Take three pinches of the salt from the dish and drop them one at a time into the dish of water. Stir the water deosil with your Athame and say:
"Let this sacred salt drive out any impurities in this water so they may be used together in the service of the the Goddess - throughout these rites, and at any time and any way I choose to use them."
Take the bowl of salt water, begin in the East and sprinkle the water around the circle, finishing again in the East.
Return the bowl of water to the Altar. Pick up your censure, and go around the circle beginning in the East and ending in the East, drawing your circle with the smoke.
Return your censure to the Altar. Dip your fingers in the water and mark a cross with a circle around it over your third eye.
Dip your finger again in the salted water, and draw a pentagram over your heart.
Say: "I consecrate myself in the name of the Goddess, bidding her welcome to my temple."
Move again to the East with your Athame. Draw a pentagram in the air over the East candle while letting your energy flow down your arm into the tool.
Say: "Angel of Air, I do summon you to witness this rite and guard this circle. Powers of air, protect me as I journey between worlds."
Move to the South. Draw a pentagram in the air over the South candle while letting your energy flow down your arm into the tool.
Say: "Angel of Fire, I do summon you to witness this rite and guard this circle. Powers of fire, protect me as I journey between worlds."
Move to the West. Draw a pentagram in the air over the West candle while letting your energy flow down your arm into the tool.
Say: "Angel of Water, I do summon you to witness this rite and guard this circle. Powers of water, protect me as I journey between worlds."
Move to the North. Draw a pentagram in the air over the North candle while letting your energy flow down your arm into the tool.
Say: "Angel of Earth, I do summon you to witness this rite and guard this circle. Powers of earth, protect me as I journey between worlds."
Return to the altar, and raise your Athame up high while saying: "I hail the four corners and the Goddess. I invite the Lady and welcome her to witness this rite I hold in her honor."
Continue to hold your Athame up high and say: "this circle is now cast and I am between worlds. I am beyond the bounds of time, where night and day, birth and death, joy and sorrow meet as one."
Note: Be sure to close your temple by extinguishing the the candles in reverse. Be sure not to leave the circle during the ritual. It is never recommended to leave the circle during magickal work.

Example 03:

Example 04:

Example 05: